Coconut oil might just be the most versatile health food on the planet. Not only a cooking oil, but coconut oil uses are countless and can be used for everything from deodorant to toothpaste and body lotion to weight loss aid.
Coconut oil contains a three unique fatty acids in lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid that are some of the rarest in nature. These medium chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) have tremendous health benefits and are easy burn as fuel for energy and have anti-microbial properties.
Some of the top benefits of using coconut oil include:
- Balance Hormones
- Kill Candida
- Improve Digestion
- Moisturize Skin
- Reduce Cellulite
- Decrease Wrinkles and Age Spots
- Balance Blood Sugar and Improve Energy
- Improve Alzheimer’s
- Increase HDL and Lower LDL Cholesterol
- Burn Fat
Are you ready to see some incredible results? Here are my top 40 coconut oil uses in 3 categories: Food Uses, Body Care and Natural Medicine.
Food Uses
1. Cooking at High Heat - Best oil for cooking because it has a high smoking point and is superior to olive oil.2. On Toast Instead of Butter – Spread coconut oil on your sprouted grains bread instead of butter.
3. Energizer - Mix 1 tbsp coconut oil with 1/2 tbsp chia seeds as energy fuel. The MCT’s in coconut oil plus nutrients in chia will send your energy soaring.
4. Coconut Oil Coffee – Adding a spoonful of coconut oil to your coffee can give you an extra boost of energy and replace dairy creamer.
5. Chocolate Fondue – Mix 4 tbsp coconut oil with 1 dark chocolate bar then melt on medium heat. Then take fruits like strawberries and banana’s and dip then in the chocolate sauce.
6. Smoothies - Add 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil to fruit smoothie to improve texture and increase healthy fat intake.
7. Popcorn topping – Use in making homemade stovetop popcorn. Pour over organic popcorn and then sprinkle on some sea salt for non-GMO popcorn.
8. Non-stick oil – Best oil to use when cooking eggs for non-stick. Let skillet with coconut oil get warm then add eggs in to cook.
9. Homemade Mayo – Use as oil in homemade mayonnaise recipe mixed with egg yolks.
10. Sweet Potato Topping – Put on baked sweet potato and then sprinkle on cinnamon. Also, use for sweet potato fries recipe.
11. Baking Oil - Use in baking recipes like brownies to replace other oils. Also perfect for greasing pans so foods don’t stick.
Body Care
12. Skin moisturizer - Apply 1 tsp of coconut oil to hands and rub into needed areas for hydration.13. Mineralizing toothpaste - Mix equal parts of coconut oil with baking soda then add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for homemade toothpaste.
14. Lip Balm – Can soothe chapped lips. Can also mix with beeswax and lavender essential oil for homemade chap stick.
15. Coconut Shampoo – Coconut can cleanse hair and great if used with apple cider vinegar.
16. Oil Pulling – To oil pull Swish oil between teeth for 5-20 minutes to kill bad bacteria and freshen your breath.
17. Natural Deodorant Excellent as natural deodorant and can be used for deodorant recipe by mixing with baking soda and essential oils.
18. Face Wash – Coconut oil can be used in natural face wash recipe to cleanse an moisturize. Lavender and tea tree essential oils are also excellent.
19. Wound Salve – Perfect to use as wound ointment because of anti-microbial properties. Put on just like you would neosporin.
20. Hair Conditioner - Add to hair as conditioner to repair split ends. Rub in hair and leave in for 30 minutes, then rinse.
21. Body Lotion – Use coconut oil by itself as natural body lotion or mix as part of body butter recipe with shea butter.
22. Cellulite Solution – Use as cellulite-reduction cream with grapefruit essential oil. Mix 1 tbsp coconut oil with 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil then massage into area after getting out of shower.
23. Eye Makeup Remover – Use with cotton swab as eye makeup remover instead of chemicals.
24. Shaving cream – Excellent replacement for shaving lotion that provides a gentle glide for a razor and soothes skin.
25. Bath Soak – Mix 1/4 cup of melted coconut oil, with 1/4 cup epsom salts for an incredible healing bath.
26. Sunscreen / Sunburn remedy – Coconut oil is an SPF 4 and can soothe and moisturize skin from sunburn.
27. Personal Lubricant – Often used as personal bedroom lubricant and won’t disturb vaginal flora like other lubricants.
28. Anti-Aging Skincare – Put coconut oil on skin before bed to reduce age spots and wrinkles.
29. Massage Oil – Coconut oil works as the perfect massage oil and when mixed with lavender and peppermint essential oils can relax and heal sore muscles.
30. Insect repellent – Mixing coconut oil with essential oils of peppermint, rosemary, tea tree and citronella are more effective and safer than DEET at keeping bugs away.
Natural Medicine
31. Alzheimer’s Treatment - Take 1 tbsp daily to support brain health and prevent Alzheimer’s as part of ketogenic diet.32. Aromatherapy – Used as perfect carrier oil when making home remedies with essential oils.
33. Candida Killer – Coconut oil contains caprylic acid which has anti-microbial properties that can kill yeast and candida.
34. Fat Burning Supplement - The MCT’s found in coconut oil have been proven to support weight loss and help your body burn fat for energy.
35. Hormone Balancer – The healthy fats in coconut oil support the thyroid and adrenal glands which can lower cortisol to naturally balance hormones.
36. Digestive Support – Coconut oil is easy to digest and contains compounds that destroy bad bacteria, promote growth of probiotics and heal leaky gut.
37. Anti-Fungal Cream – Can be used topically to treat athletes foot and skin fungus.
38. Blood Sugar Stabilizer – Coconut oil can help balance blood sugar levels and has been medically proven to improve diabetes.
39. Healing Ointment - Can be used as cream to heal dry and flaking skin for those with Eczema and Psoriasis.
40. Cholesterol Supplement – The healthy fats in coconut oil have been proven to increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol supporting heart health.
As you can see, coconut oil uses are numerous and so are the health benefits.
Do you use coconut oil? If so, how do you use it?
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