Commercial group | English Name (Common Name) | Scientific Name | Sinhala Name |
Seer | Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus commersoni | Thora |
Wahoo | Acanthocybium commersoni | Sawara
Paraw | Jack, Trevallies | Carangoides gymnostethus | Vattiya |
Carangoides fulvoguttatus | Thumba parawa |
Caranx ignobilis Atanagul | Parawa |
Caranx hebiri | Guru parawa |
Balaya | Skipjack tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | Balaya |
Kelawalla | yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | Kelawalla |
| | | |
Other Blood fish | Sail fish | Istiophorus platypterus | Thalapath |
Marlins | Makariya indika | Kalu koppara |
Makariya mazara | Nil koppara |
Tetrapturus audax | Iri koppara |
Sword fish | Xiphias gladius | Sappara |
Big eye tuna | Thunnus abesus | Esgedi kelawalla/Kenda |
Bullet tuna | Auxis rochei | Ragodu/kombaya |
Frigate tuna | Auxis thazard | Alagoduwa |
Kawakawa | Euthynnus affinis | Attawalla |
| | | |
Sharks | Mackerel shark | Isurus sp. | Mee mora |
Thresher shark | Alopias sp. | Kasa mora (Banned) |
Requiem sharks‐silky shark | Carcharhinus Falciformis | Honda mora/Bala maora |
Ocean white strip shark | Carcharhinus Longimanus | Polkola mora |
Blue shark | prionace gluaca | Seeni mora/Hudja Mora |
Hammerhead shark | Sphyrna sp. | Udalu mora |
| | | |
Skate | Batoid Fisher shovelnose rays | Rhinobatos sp. | Baloliya |
String rays | Dasyatis sp. | Welli maduwa |
Spotted eagle rays | Aetobatus narinari | Vavoi maduwa |
Javanees cownose rays | Rhinoptera javanica | valuvadi cownose ray |
Numbfishers | Narcine sp. | Electric ray |
Manta and devil rays | Mobula sp. | Ali maduwa and Anga maduwa |
| | | |
Fish/Galmalu | Spangled emperor | Lethrinus nebulosus | Meewetiya/Atissa |
Longface emperor | Lethrinus olivaceus | Uru hota |
Sharptooth jobfish | Pristipomoides typus | Kalamee |
Blubberlip snapper | Lutjanus rivulatus | Badawa |
Mangrove red snapper | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Thabalaya |
Blackspot snapper | Lutjanus fulviflamma | Ranna |
Malabar grouper | Epinephelus malabaricus | Gas bola/Gal kossa |
| | | |
Fish/Galmalu | Wavylined grouper | Epinephelus undulosus | Lawaya |
Coral hind | Cephalopholis miniata | Thabuwa |
Sri Lanka sweetlips | Plectorhinchus ceylonensis | Boraluwa |
Threadfin breams | Nemipterus sp. | Suddaha |
Parrotfishes | Scarus sp. | Girawa |
Rabbitfsh | Siganus so. | Orawa |
Barracudas | Sphyraena sp. | Jeelawa |
| | | |
Shore Seine | Mullets | Liza sp. | Godaya |
Trenched sardinella | Amblygaster sirm | Hurulla |
Bleeker’s smooth belly | Amblygaster clupeoides | Gal Hurulla |
Smoothbelly Sardinells | Amblygaster clupeoides | Keeramin |
Rainbow sardine | Dussumieria acuta | Thondaya |
White sardine | Escualosa thoracata | Wella sudaya |
Shad | Nematalosa nasus | Koiya |
Goldstripe sardinella | Sardinella gibbosa | Kalawenna/Salaya |
White sardinella | Sardinella albella | Sudaya |
Bigeye scade | Selar crumenophtthalamus | Bolla |
Indian mackerel | Rastrelliger kanagurta | Kumbala |
Anchovy | Stolephorus sp. | Halmessa |
Ribbon fish | Lepturacanthus savalaa | Savalaya |
Gar fisher | Belonidae | Habarali |
Thryssa | Thryssa sp. | Lagga |
Silverbiddies | Gerres sp. | Thirali |
Pony fish | Leiognathus sp. | Karalla |
Ilishas | Ilish sp. | Puvali |
Half beaks | Hemiramphus sp. | Moralla |
Flying fish | Cheilopogon sp. | Piyamessa |
| | | |
Prawns | Giant river prawn | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | Karadu issa |
Indian white shrimp | Penaeus indicus | Kiri issa |
Giant tiger prawn | Penaeus monodon | Karawandu issa |
Green tiger prawns | Penaeus semesulsctus | kurutu issa |
| | | |
Lobster | Scalloped spiny lobster | Panulirus homorus | Weli issa |
Ornate spiny lobster | Panulirus ornatus | Devi issa |
Pronghorn spiny lobster | Panulirus penicillatus | Gal issa |
Painted spiny lobster | Panulirus versicolor | Bathik issa/Raga issa |
Slipper lobster | Panulirus polyphagus | Mada issa |
Slipper lobster | Scyllarus sp. | Sapathuwa |
| | | |
| Squids | Loligo singhalensis | Bothal della |
Loligo duvauceli | Ahin della |
| | | |
| Cuttle fish | Sepia pharaonis Gebi | della/Pothu della |
Sepia aculeata | Pothu della |
| | | |
| Sea Cucumber
(Beach de mer) | Holothuria fucogilva | Ham attaya/White tearfish |
Holothuria scabra | Welli attaya/Sand fish |
Holothuria nobilis | Polon attaya/Black teatfish |
Bohadschia marmorata | Nul attaya/Chalky fish |
Actinopygs miliaris | Kalu attaya /Black fish |
Holothuria edulis | Rathu attaya/Pinkfish |
Holothuria atra | Nari attaya/Lolyfish |
Theienota ananas | Annasi attaya/Prickly redfish |
Thelenota anax | Punattaya/Amberfish |
Srichopus chloronotus | Dabalaya/Green fish |
| | | |
| Crabs | Portunus pelagicus | Seenakali/Blue swimming crab |
Scylla serrata | Kalapu kakuluwa/mangrove crab |
Portunus spp. | Mudu kakuluwa |
Source – Statistic Unit, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development
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